The majority of the photos are film, but not quite …

Comment on Saigon in Pictures by marriedwithmaps.

The majority of the photos are film, but not quite all. I love film but it has been really difficult to manage it while traveling sometimes. The airport scanners can diminish the quality if they go through many times. I developed these rolls (these photos are from two) while in Bangkok, after leaving Vietnam and the people messed up half of one of these rolls and my entire rolls of Cat Ba Island and also my second trip to Hanoi. It’s sad because I was so looking forward to seeing them. But that is the risk sometimes. In most major cities you can typically find a few places to purchase film but you have to be careful because some of them sell really expired film which hasn’t been stored well. There is usually at least one spot in the major cities to develop but they aren’t always great quality. Another issue I have faced is that most like to give it to you on a CD and my laptop doesn’t support CDs. My best experiences with film have been in Seoul (the Chungmuro District is awesome for film or photography lovers in general) and also in Kuala Lumpur.

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